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Why Seeing a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain Helps?

Are you in need of a Jupiter chiropractor for lower back pain? Seeking medical help for your lower back pain is not uncommon, especially in the US. According to Statista, back pain is one of the most common ailments affecting most adults in the US. So, it is not just you going through this tough time.

The exact cause of back pain is often unclear. While some blame it on the stress of their daily life, others complain that it is due to either physical work or an injury. A survey found that in the States, 29% of adults believe that their day-to-day stress is the primary cause of back pain. In comparison, 26% blamed it on a sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles, and physical work.

Either way, lower back pain is a severe health issue that sometimes requires serious medical intervention. So, we are used to seeing patients seeking a chiropractor for lower back pain. 

How Can Chiropractors Help Relieve Lower Back Pain? 

Whether or not the pain your experiencing is from stress, physical work, or injury, our primary job involves helping provide you relief, restore optimal function, and help your body better adapt to stress and challenges. Our back houses and protects the nervous system, making it one of our body’s most vital and complex parts.

So, one wrong move can come with serious complications affecting your health. Therefore, it is highly recommended to seek care by experienced chiropractors. When you need a Jupiter chiropractor for lower back pain, our team focuses first on analysing and locating the source of the problem.

It will help us formulate a customized treatment plan to help you get relief and recover quickly. Here are the common factors that can be responsible for lower back pain. Some of them are:

Sedentary Lifestyle: 

A constant sedentary lifestyle can affect your neuromusculoskeletal system in the long term. People with this lifestyle are likely to have poor posture and a compressed spine that can lead to stress, spinal degeneration, nerve interference and lower back pain.  Science has also found links between uncorrected chronic back pain and mental health disorders.

Accidental Injuries: 

Lower back pain is quite common for auto accident injuries and sports injuries. Accidental injuries can lead to herniated discs, pinched nerves, sprained ligaments, and muscle strains, causing lower back pain. Proper chiropractic care can restore normal structural alignment and function to these tissies, allowing your body to heal itself.


Musculoskeletal diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis can detrimentally affect your vertebrae, leading to lower back pains and are often a result of abnormal spinal mechanics strain on the nerve system.

Skeletal Irregularities: 

People with congenital skeletal irregularities like scoliosis can experience debilitating lower back pain that may require proper chiropractic care. 

As a Jupiter chiropractor for lower back pain, we first focus on locating the source of the problem. Based on that, our experienced chiropractors develop a personalized plan to treat the issue that offers pain relief and resolves the core problem to avoid future complications.

Our Methods to Relieve Lower Back Pain 

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free, and holistic treatment approach. We focus on spinal adjustments to relieve pain and improve alignment, mobility, function, and improve quality of life.

Our Jupiter Chiropractic team utilizes a very specific, multi-pronged approach to evaluate the source of the probelm every visit to deliver a targeted spinal adjustment for your individual needs. The plan would entirely depend on the diagnosis and severity of your condition. However, there are some standard chiropractic methods we regularly use to treat patients with lower back pain.

Hands-on Spinal Adjustment: 

Our licensed chiropractors are skilled and have years of experience in manual hands-on spinal adjustments. One of the hands-on techniques that our team excels in is the Gonstead Method.

The Gonstead Method for Lower Back Pain: 

The Gonstead method is considered by many as the gold standard for manual spinal adjusments. In this method, the chiropractor solely focuses on identifying and locating the root cause of your lower back pain and and adjusting the specific area of the spine and nerve involved for long-lasting pain relief, and improved adaptability and function.

Our team are the only licensed chiropractors in Jupiter and the surrounding area practicing the Gonstead method.

Patient Involvement: 

Along with the hands-on approach, depending on the case, we often give recommendations for home care so that patients can be involved in their care and recovery. Depending on the patient’s condition, we will teach them some simple exercises and stretches specific to their spine that can help strengthen the lower back, improve healing time and stabilize their structure. These stretches and exercises will help improve their posture and help prevent further injury.

Jupiter Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain: 

When seeking local Jupiter chiropractic care, consider Nordik Chiropractic. Our highly rated chiropractic doctors believe in a holistic treatment approach. Spinal adjustments can help relieve pain and restore spinal health. Then, periodic maintenance can help to prevent future lower back pain. We can also advise the patient on good posture to help reduce stress on the lower back.

Call us at (561) 658-1180 for an appointment or with any questions you might have.

Nordik Chiropractic Gonstead Chiropractor Jupiter FL
Our chiropractors and the rest of the welcoming team at Nordik Chiropractic are committed to providing chiropractic solutions to address your unique needs, whether you are experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even muscular tightness and tension.

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